Monday, February 13, 2012

i could eat this sauce every day....on everything

I have a recent obsession with butternut squash ravioli covered in this sweet sage butter sauce. However, you can put it on anything...I tried it over chicken with baby bella mushrooms and mashed potatoes...lets just say my husbands family was licking their plates. The below recipe is enough for one package of ravioli however if your making it for 3 or more people I would double or triple it.

Sweet Sage Butter Sauce

3 tbl. diced pancetta (or bacon)
4 tbl. butter
1-2 tlb. honey (i used sage honey infused by my
father in law..but any kind will work)
1 tlb. finely chopped sage
2 tlb. cream
salt to taste

Brown your pacetta in a small pan until crisp. Then add the rest of the ingredients besides the cream. Let everything combine and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add your cream and cook slightly, just a minute or so. Then pour over your ravioli, chicken, pasta...whatever your having. It is such a wonderful combination of sweet, salty, crispy and creamy deliciousness! 

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