Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{special request} baked potato casserole

Last weekend I got to spend time with several different friends and try some new recipes for them, so overall I would say it was a successful couple days. We got to take one of my husbands best friend to dinner for his birthday Friday night; I made him cupcakes as he his one of my top critics. See, my husband does not like sweets..ever. So his friend M always stops by the house and is more then happy to try my latest creation, and have yet to find one he didn't like. So needless to say he enjoyed my strawberry and cream filled vanilla cupcakes.

Then on Saturday we had the privilege of going to a friend's house for dinner and I made baked potato casserole to go along with all the other yummy things they had made! She made a special request for the recipe, so K here it is just for you....

Baked Potato Casserole

4-5 cups mashed potatoes
4 oz cream cheese-softened
1/4 cup butter-melted
1/3 cup sour cream 
1/2 cup thin shredded monterey jack/cheddar cheese mix
3 green onions-sliced
1/4 cup half & half
1 egg
1 tablespoon dry ranch seasoning 
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
4 strips bacon-cut and cooked until crisp
Cook your potatoes and mash, or use a food mill like I did. Most people don't have one of these laying around their kitchen but I suggest you invest in one, you will never go back to mashing your potatoes. I decided to purchase a food mill after {Alton Brown} from Food Network suggested it...so off to Sur La Table I went. I was so excited when I used it for the first time and even MORE excited when I saw the same one I bought on an episode of Chopped All Stars a few days later. I'm starting to think I watch too much Food Network?? 

Here is the lovely OXO Food Mill purchased from Sur La Table.....

There are a couple reasons a food mill is so amazing for your mashers; it breaks it all into small even fluffy pieces and does not cause over mixing...which turns them into a nasty gooey mess. 

Anyway back to the recipe....

Once your potatoes are all mashed add the rest of the ingredients listed above except the last two (cheddar and bacon). Make sure your cream cheese is very soft so it doesn't get clumpy; I like to add it when the potatoes are still warm to make sure it blends well. Once everything is in the bowl mix with an electric mixer for 60 seconds max to make sure they remain fluffy. Place in a baking dish and top with 1 cup cheddar cheese then the cooked bacon.
Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes.

On Sunday I met two of my very best friends at something called Big Hat Days, there are tons of booths with food, crafts and other fun stuff to look at! We definitely took advantage of the delicious bad-for-you food; I'd say our favorite was the two funnel cakes we devoured!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

the hunt for {honey mustard} is over

I've always had trouble finding good honey mustard, whether its at a store or restaurant; I'm always afraid of what I'm going to get. All the store bought ones I have tried are too thick and sweet. I came up with a solution that I have been a bit addicted to this week, we have used it as a salad dressing, dip, marinade and on sandwiches.

Honey Mustard

1/2 cup light mayo
2 tbsp. spicy brown mustard
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. honey
1 clove garlic
2 tsp. apple cider vinegar 

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

Then store in a jar or container. I have gone through two batches so far this week and already need to make more :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

someone gives you lemons.....make lemon cake...or cupcakes...or both

This lemon cake recipe is so simple but is amazing! My mom made it growing up and its the one cake that my husband will eat...he is missing his sweet tooth becuase he can say no to sugar like no one I've ever met. It is the most moist cake that packs a very lemony punch....if you like lemon you will love this cake and its so simple to make!
I made this cake twice in the past week..once for a bridal shower cupcake order and as a cake for husbands birthday.

Very Lemon Cake
1 box yellow cake mix
1 small packet lemon jello
4 eggs
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients and bake according to the box, either 9x13, cupcakes or rounds.

After you remove the cake from the oven let it cool and poke holes all over the top with a toothpick. Then make the
zest from one lemon
juice from one lemon
1-2 cups powder sugar

Mix the lemon zest, juice and sugar a 1/2 cup at a time until you have a "pourable" consistency. Then pour the glaze over the entire cake and let settle before you serve. If you are making cupcakes follow the same steps and if you would like you can top with the frosting of your choice.
These are the cupcakes for the shower all ready to go! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

i could eat this sauce every day....on everything

I have a recent obsession with butternut squash ravioli covered in this sweet sage butter sauce. However, you can put it on anything...I tried it over chicken with baby bella mushrooms and mashed potatoes...lets just say my husbands family was licking their plates. The below recipe is enough for one package of ravioli however if your making it for 3 or more people I would double or triple it.

Sweet Sage Butter Sauce

3 tbl. diced pancetta (or bacon)
4 tbl. butter
1-2 tlb. honey (i used sage honey infused by my
father in law..but any kind will work)
1 tlb. finely chopped sage
2 tlb. cream
salt to taste

Brown your pacetta in a small pan until crisp. Then add the rest of the ingredients besides the cream. Let everything combine and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add your cream and cook slightly, just a minute or so. Then pour over your ravioli, chicken, pasta...whatever your having. It is such a wonderful combination of sweet, salty, crispy and creamy deliciousness! 

no cooking for a month?......yes please!

This weekend I took on the challenge of pre-making a month worth of dinners..for a couple reasons. One I just wanted to see if I could do it and two because work has been taking more and more time from me and I don't see it slowing down. This is a good thing...a very good thing however not when it comes to weeknight cooking.
It went better then I expected.... total prep and cleanup was less then 4 hours. I'm going to share the process with you so you can fill in the meals with whatever you like but the prep will pretty much be the same for whatever your making.
I made several crock pot meals in freezer bags and then a few casseroles in disposable pans. Since there are two many recipes to share them all if there is one you want let me know and ill post it for you. Also I duplicated a few of the meals to bulk up my inventory.

To make week night meals even easier my friend told me about this wonderful invention.....
Gosh I'm looking forward to no cooking and basically no clean up!

Crock Pot Meals
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
Teriyaki Chicken with veggies
BBQ Chicken with sweet potatoes
Beef Stroganoff
Beef Bourguinon 
Asian Beef & Broccoli
Pulled Pork
Pot Roast
Pork Tacos
Meatballs in Red Sauce
Porcupine Meatballs

Creamy Lasagna with Italian Sausage
Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken Broccoli Casserole
White Enchiladas

I came up with a way to assemble everything and save a little time and minimal dish washing. 

First you need to make a list of everything your going to make so you don't forget anything.

Then put and your canned and dry ingredients out so they are easy to access.

Then wash, scrub or peel your veggies...whatever prep needs to be done, do it all at the same time.

Next its time to get choppin. Cut all your veggies and place in neat little piles for you to use as you assemble everything.

Then lay out your freezer bags, if you fold over the top they will stand up by themselves. I placed mine on cookie sheets so I could easily move them around the kitchen. Then place your meats in the bottom of the bag and they are ready to top with veggies.
Now place your veggies over the meat and its time for the sauce and seasoning. I made one at a time just rinsing out the same bowl to save on the clean up. Then its time to seal up your bags and make sure you label what dinner it is and any additional ingredients.

Now pile them up in the freezer and enjoy home cooked dinners with no week night cooking!

Please comment if you would like to see any of the recipes!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Shrimp Peanut Noodles

This post is for my sister in law, sorry J I'm just now posting this recipe...she asked for this about two weeks ago :). This is a recipe that I make at least once a month, it is out of the ordinary for a weeknight dinner so we have grown to love it!

Shrimp Peanut Noodles

1/2 c. chicken broth
3 Tbsp. creamy peanut butter
1-2 tsp. Sriracha chili sauce
2 Tbsp. honey
1/4 cup soy sauce
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 cup diced red bell pepper
1 pound pre-cooked large shrimp
1 package Udon noodles
Chopped green onions
Chopped cilantro
2 limes, cut into quarters
Chopped peanuts

These are the only two ingredients that are out of the ordinary so here is a visual. Here I used the fresh noodles however you can use dry ones. Be careful of the sriracha..or as my husband calls it "rooster sauce"...its very hot. Start with a little and add more if its not hot enough.

Place the first 8 ingredients in a large pan or in my case a used a wok. Place over med-high heat and use a whisk to break everything up and mix together. At this time you can also place your noodles in a large pot of boiling water, they will take about the same amount of time to cook as the sauce.
Let this simmer for a few minutes until it is all combined and thickens up. Then you can add your shrimp to the pan.
Lets talk shrimp for a minute, you can use raw shrimp however I like to use the pre-cooked frozen shrimp...they cook faster and are easier to deal with. I thaw mine little with cool running water and then throw them in the sauce to heat through.
Place the sauce and shrimp on top of your noodles then top with cilantro, green onion, peanuts and lime slices and your ready to eat!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a sweet baby dedication

A few weeks ago I was privileged to be a part of my beautiful niece's baby dedication. We all gathered together to witness my sister and her husband dedicate her life to the Lord. It was a lovely little gathering full of wonderful family and friends. We all pitched in and made a sweet little dessert table. I made a few things but the recipe I would like to share is this very easy hazelnut chocolate mousse.

 Hazelnut Chocolate Mousse

1 cup chocolate chips (I used the mini ones)
2 tbs nutella hazelnut spread
14 oz heavy whipping cream
2 cups powder sugar
chopped hazelnuts

First you need to set up a double boiler like this...

If your not sure what that is, its just a pot with an inch or two of simmering water and a bowl on top :)

Then you will put the chocolate chips, nutella and two tbs of the heavy cream into the bowl and mix slowly until it is smooth.
Once it it smooth take it off the heat and set aside for a minute. Then whip the remaining whipping cream and power sugar in a separate bowl until it looks like this..
Then fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture until combined. At this point you can put it into little cups using a spoon or do what I did and put into a pastry bag.
Pipe it into any small cup, glass, shot glass...get creative. Then top with the chopped hazelnuts for a crunchy bite and enjoy!

Here they are all lined up ready to be enjoyed :)

Here is the little lady all dressed up ready for her dedication!